We always ask ourselves the same thing, we buy fruits and vegetables that we don’t eat, it gets ripe and we don’t know what to do with it. Here’s what I draw on when making these whole grain recipes. So you have different options and alternatives that are delicious and you can take advantage of that ripe fruit or vegetable.
Do not throw away anything else, if you do not want to eat them, transform it into a whole grain recipe full of nutrients and beneficial for your body and your pocket.
Banana is a fruit that is usually bought at home and it is common for us to remember to eat it when it is already black. You don’t want to eat them, your children less, and throwing them make you feel bad. Better to make a good recipe! In addition, the ripening of the banana is proportional to its nutrients and contributions. What makes it one of the most spectacular fruits that exist!

Many recipes to make, millions of possible combinations. You just have to get out of the classic ones. You lose nothing by trying new recipes. And I assure you that you will love these whole wheat banana alfajores! At home a success, so the goal more than met!
Let’s talk a bit about the recipe:
The ingredients used are simply basic and their preparation even more. A recipe that does not have to be kneaded nor has leavened times.
To give it the characteristic round shape of the alfajores, you can use a cookie cutter or something round that they have (glass, lid, etc.) the size you want the alfajores to come out.
With this recipe 22 standard caramel sandwich cookies came out. If you want bigger or thicker caramel sandwich cookies you should consider the thickness and size of the dough to cut. And always keeping in mind that with baking they will grow a little. Also, the baking times will change as well.
Baking is quick and easy, only one baking dish is needed. It is not necessary to have butter paper or butter the baking dish since this dough has a good amount of it. Although if it is for your tranquility and your confidence you can use them anyway.
These whole wheat banana alfajores can be filled with the sweet that you like the most. Using a piping bag can be helpful for this procedure. If the sweet paste is a bit hard, it can be heated for a few minutes in the microwave with a few drops of water or milk, this varies depending on the type of sweet it is.
To test what they combined best with, I filled some with dulce de leche, others with quince paste. Some I bathed with chocolate and others I put grated coconut like the classic alfajores of cornstarch. Those who liked the most were those with quince paste.
Do you have any doubt or suggestion? Write a comment at the end of this recipe 👇
Do not forget to follow me on social networks to know the latest news in whole grain recipes!
Visit my general site Locos Por La Comida where you will find all Integralisimo, Locos Por Los Dulces and Veganisimos recipes.