Every 29th of each month it is customary to eat gnocchi, it is the tradition, whether it is Sunday or not. Today I leave this recipe for making whole wheat beet gnocchi dedicated to those who dare to variety and color!
Potato gnocchi par excellence are the favorites but it is a good idea to try different combinations and varieties of flavor. And even more if they provide extra nutrients beneficial to the body. My idea is to gradually put different versions of meals with different ingredients.
When it comes to nutrition, beets are more than just an excellent vegetable. It has a high antioxidant power and wide contributions and properties for our body. Do not be scared by the color, encourage yourself to try different varieties and more if they provide benefits.
Seasonal fruits and vegetables must be squeezed to the maximum. Beets are used for salads and a wide variety of meals. With it I prepared these spectacular gnocchi super easy to make.
There are beet gnocchi recipes in which you combine beets with potatoes. I don’t really consider them completely beet as their flavor is mixed. Another day I will leave this recipe for mixed gnocchi for those who do not fully encourage this version.
Let’s talk a little about the preparation…
These gnocchi have a light flavor, excellent to accompany with any type of white sauce to make it stand out in color or simply sauté them with olive oil and pesto (garlic and fresh parsley) if it is to your liking.
To make these gnocchi, I boiled the beets until they were very soft. Avoid cutting parts of the beet because it will release all its color wherever you are cooking it. You do not have to remove the skin, just wash it well before doing it. Then once cold you will peel it.

The gnocchi dough has a texture that is not completely dry, it is sticky. That is why many feel that you have to add more flour than the recipe says. The point is that the more flour you add, the heavier the gnocchi will be.
The other ingredients are basic, relatively few and very common. I really like nutmeg and I love adding this type of food but if you don’t like it, you can skip it from the recipe because it is not essential.
To form the gnocchi, avoid excess flour, sprinkle what is necessary but do not abuse its quantity. The less flour you use, the result will be better.
This time I prepared these gnocchi with a white sauce with kale. Another seasonal vegetable. Super beneficial for the body, it is very rich in minerals and vitamins. And best of all, it barely has calories!
Do you have any doubt or suggestion? Write a comment at the end of this recipe 👇
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